Study Report

Study Information

Basic Info
Reference |
Uddin, M.,2013 PMID: 23280952
Citation |
Uddin, M., et al. (2013). "Adcyap1r1 genotype, posttraumatic stress disorder, and depression among women exposed to childhood maltreatment." Depress Anxiety 30(3): 251-258. |
Phenotype |
Past month PTSD, Past month PTS severity, Correlations between chlidhood maltreatment and past month PTS severity |
Trauma |
Not mentioned. |
Study Design |
Case-control |
Study Type |
Candidate gene association study, Gene-environment interaction study |
Sample Size |
495 adult participants |
SNP/Marker Size |
1 SNP |
Predominant Ethnicity |
Black, Caucasian |
Population |
11.7% were white, 83.1% were African American, and 5.2% reported belonging to another race/ethnic group |
Gender |
All females |
Age |
18 years or older |

Detail Info
Sample Diagnosis |
Related Diagnostic Tools |
PTSD diagnosis was assessed via telephone using a structured diagnostic interview validated against the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-IV (CAPS), Participants were initially asked to identify potentially traumatic events (PTEs) that they experienced in the past from a list of 19 events, PTS severity was assessed by summing participants' ratings of the 17 posttraumatic symptoms on a scale indicating the degree to which the respondent had been bothered by a particular symptom as a result of the worst trauma, ranging from 1 (not at all) to 5 (extremely), Depressive symptoms were evaluated with a structured interview based on a modified version of Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), CM questions were drawn from the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS), the Childhood Trauma Scale (CTQ), and Wyatt's eight-item interview guide as implemented by the Nurse's Health Study II. |
Sample Status |
Samples for this study were drawn from the Detroit Neighborhood Health Study (DNHS). The DNHS is a population-representative cohort study of adult residents residing in Detroit and has been described. |
Controls Exposed |
Not mentioned. |
Replication Size |
None |
Result Summary |
RESULTS: No significant main effects were observed for ADCYAP1R1 genotype on either PTSD/PTS severity. In contrast, a significant ADCYAP1R1 x CM interaction was observed for both past month PTSD and PTS severity, with carriers of the "C" allele showing enhanced risk for these outcomes among women exposed to CM. No significant main or interaction effects were observed for past month depression/depression severity. CONCLUSIONS: Genetic variation at the ADCYAP1R1 locus interacts with CM to shape risk of later PTSD, but not depression, among women. The molecular mechanisms contributing to this interaction require further investigation. |
Potential Biomarker |
None |

Genetic result reported by this study

Normal genetic result reported by this study (count: 2)
Marker |
Phenotype |
Related Gene |
Statistical Values |
Author Comments |
Marker's Category |
Past month PTS severity |
Linear regression model: P-value=0.805. |
There was no significant association between ADCYAP1R1 genot......
There was no significant association between ADCYAP1R1 genotype and past month PTS severity in the linear regression analyses.
Non-significant |
Past month PTSD |
Logistic regression analyses of the effect of ADCAYP1R1 genotype and CM on PTSD, controlling for age, race, and past month depression: ADCYAP1R1 genotype P-value=0.60. |
There was no significant association between ADCYAP1R1 genot......
There was no significant association between ADCYAP1R1 genotype and past month PTSD in the logistic regression analyses.
Non-significant |

Gene * Environment result reported by this study (count: 3)
Marker |
Phenotype |
Related Gene |
Environment |
Statistical Values |
Author Comments |
Marker's Category |
Correlations between chlidhood maltreatment and past month PTS severity |
Childhood maltreatment (CM) |
CC versus GG group: z-value=2.071, P-value< .05; CC versus CG group: z-value=2.868, P-value< .01. |
Stratification by ADCYAP1R1 genotype showed that these corre......
Stratification by ADCYAP1R1 genotype showed that these correlations were significant only among genotypes containing the "C" allele. Moreover, correlation coefficients were significantly higher in the CC versus GG group and in the CC versus CG group.
Significant |
Past month PTSD |
Childhood maltreatment (CM) |
Logistic regression analyses of the effect of ADCAYP1R1 genotype and CM on PTSD, controlling for age, race, and past month depression: results from interaction effect analyses P-value=0.029, permutation P-value=0.030. |
Results from interaction effect analyses showed that partici......
Results from interaction effect analyses showed that participants with one versus no "C" alleles at the ADCAYP1R1 rs2267735 locus showed a 17% increased odds of past month PTSD for every one-unit increase in CM score in the logistic regression model. Analyses based on African-American participants only showed similar results.
Significant |
Past month PTS severity |
Childhood maltreatment (CM) |
Linear regression model: P-value=0.037. |
Results were similar when PTS severity used as outcomes with......
Results were similar when PTS severity used as outcomes with PTSD as outcomes.
Significant |